• (036) 268 9055
  • stgabrielcollege@sgc.edu.ph
  • Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan, Kalibo, Philippines


Regular Class Days

Monday to Friday

From 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM



S.Y. 2023-2024

General Loan Policies

  1. Students are required t present their library card when borrowing books & other library materials.
  2. All borrowers must agree & abide library’s policies.
  3. Faculty may request for recall of items that are checked out if they needed it for instructions purpose.

Specific Loan Policies

  1. Filipiniana & Reference Collection is to be used only inside the library, photocopying maybe allowed but limited time.
  2. Reserve books can be borrowed for 2 hours. Renewal maybe granted if no borrower is waiting.
  3. Books loaned for overnight must be returned at 8:00am the following day.
  4. Students are allowed to borrow one book at a time depending on the demands.
  5. Faculty may borrow references for one semester to be renewed unless it is needed.
  6. Lost or badly damaged books must be replaced or paid.
  7. Missing books should be replaced immediately to the librarian or her assistant so that fines will be automatically stopped.

Fines and charges for Specific Materials

  1. A fine of Php 5.00/ day per hour shall be charged for every Reference, Reserve and Professional books not return on time.
  2. A fine of Php 5.00/ day will be charged for every non – reserve & cultural books.

Policy Development Borrowers

First Offense:

               Fine & Suspension of borrowing privileges for one week.

Second Offense:

               Fine & Suspension of borrowing privileges for one month.

Third Offense:

               Fine Suspension of borrowing privilege for one semester. Offender to submit Incidental Report (IR) and case will be forwarded for disciplinary action

Policy on Student Conduct & Behavior inside the Library

  1. Show his/her library card to the librarian or her staff every time he/she borrows a book or magazine.
  2. Maintain silence so that others in the room may work undisturbed.
  3. Help keep the room, books & materials clean & neat.
  4. Return all materials he/she used in its proper places. A book out of its place is a lost book.
  5. Have all the materials he/she takes from the library charged to his/her name and not to someone else.
  6. Return books, promptly, others maybe waiting for them.
  7. See that all books taken outdoors are properly protected in schools bags, portfolios or large envelops.

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