Guide for Citation and template for research works for SGC students and faculty
This guide is intended as a reference for the APA citation style used by the College. Useful software and citation ‘hacks’ and shortcuts are also included
General Rules: Book titles should be italicized and capitalized in the same way that you capitalize article titles (capitalize the first letter of the title and subtitle and any other proper nouns).
Basic Citation Form for Books:
Author, A. (YEAR). Title of book: Subtitle of book. Publisher. DOI (if available)
Arnett, J.J. (2014). Emerging adulthood: The winding road from the late teens through the twenties. Oxford University
Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design. Harvard University Press
Edited Books (No Author)
Editor, A. (Ed.). (YEAR). Title of book: Subtitle of book. Publisher. DOI (if available)
Erikson, E. H. (Ed.). (1959). Identity and the life cycle: Selected papers. International Universities Press.
Chapters in Edited Books
Author, A. (YEAR). Title of chapter. In A. Editor (Ed.), Title of book: Subtitle of book (pp. #-#). Publisher. DOI (if available)
Klope, M., & Hendry, L.B. (2011). A systemic approach to the transitions to adulthood. In J.J. Arnett (Ed.), Debating emerging adulthood (pp. 53-76). Oxford University Press.
Dissertations and Theses
Author, A. (YEAR). Title of dissertation or these: Subtitle. [Doctoral dissertation/Masters thesis, Name of Institution]. Database or Archive Name. DOI (if available)
Chatterjee, A. (2018). The testability of regular logic structures. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign]. IDEALS.
K’aol, G.O. (2015). Perceptions of craftsmen and apprentices regarding self-employment skill acquisition in the Kenyan informal sector. [Masters thesis, UW-Madison]. Proquest.
Electronic Sources
Electronic sources can be more complicated to cite than print sources because there is less standardization of the presentation of this information across the internet. Often the APA reference rules will ask for a piece of information that you can’t find on the website. Include as much information as you can while following these guidelines.
Author, A. (YEAR, Month Date). Title of page. Site name. URL
Lee, C. (2017, February 1). How to cite the UpToDate database in APA style. APA style blog.
Navigating the transition to the 7th edition APA style. UTA libraries. (Note: for sources with no author)
Online News Articles:
Author, A. (YEAR, Month Date). Title of article. Title of Publication. URL
Charles, D. (2021, June 22). What’s the best way to help the climate and people too? NPR.
Richgels, J. (2021, June 21). Frontier Airlines resuming Madison-Las Vegas non-stop flights. Wisconsin State Journal.
Data Sets
Author, A. or Name of Group (YEAR). Title of dataset [Data set]. Publisher. DOI or URL
United Nations Children Fund (2013). Gross enrollment ratio of girls to boys in primary education [Data set]. UNdata.
World Bank (2019). GDP per capita [Data set]. World Bank Data.
This handout begins with general guidelines about the parts of a paper you need to document and then presents a brief overview of the APA documentation system as described in the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2019)
Here are some free software to make citation convenient. Bibliographies and reference lists can be automatically generated. Click on the links to their website to download and learn more.
is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research.
can generate references, citations and bibliographies in a whole range of journal styles with just a few clicks.Add papers directly from your browser with a few clicks or import any documents from your desktop. Access your library from anywhere. Windows, Mac, Linux and all browsers.
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